World's Favorite UCB 1 Pistachio

World's Favorite UCB 1 Pistachio

UCB 1, which is the favorite of the new planting areas created for industrial pistachio production, was developed as a result of hybridization studies. Drawing attention with its high yield and resistance to diseases, UCB 1 is the most common rootstock today.

UCB 1 was developed in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of California, Berkeley Campus in the USA. This rootstock produced by tissue culture has superior characteristics compared to other rootstocks.

Why Prefer UCB 1 Pistachio Rootstock?

Rootstock has a great importance in pistachio cultivation. The better the rootstock, the better the yield will be. There are different types of pistachio rootstocks used today. However, UCB 1 is considered the top among them due to its features.

UCB 1 can be grafted 3-4 months after planting. 4 years after grafting, fruit is taken from the saplings. Therefore, it is possible to get a product from the pistachio orchard to be created 4 years later with this rootstock. In other rootstocks, this period can be up to 10-12 years. UCB 1 is extremely advantageous in terms of early fruiting.

One of the most important problems in pistachio cultivation is diseases. Disease control adversely affects tree growth and yield. UCB 1 has high resistance to diseases. Resistant to Verticillium wilt, soil-borne Phytophthora fungal diseases, nematodes and root collar rot. Apart from these, it is moderately tolerant of cold.

UCB 1 pistachio rootstock is irrigable. Since it can be watered, it has high vitality and shows a strong development. Saplings planted when they are thinner than the pinky finger become thick enough for vaccination in just a few months.

UCB 1 Pistachio Yield

Since UCB 1 pistachio can be irrigated, its annual shoots are long and this directly affects the yield positively. Apart from that, its fruits are larger and fuller depending on watering. It provides quality fruit, which positively affects profitability.

UCB 1 pistachio rootstock is 30-40% more productive than other rootstocks. When the seedlings are 4 years old, they yield 1 kg, when they are 7 years old, 5 kg, and when they are 9 years old, they yield 10 kg. The amount of product received increases exponentially. An average of 4.1 tons of product is obtained from a 10-decare garden.

When the material value of the purchased products is examined, it is seen that it corresponds to an annual average of $35,000. This figure reveals why UCB 1 rootstock should be preferred in pistachio cultivation.