Pistachio Properties and Yield

Pistachio Properties and Yield

Pistachio, which has a high commercial value, has different varieties in itself. In order to get the desired result from the garden to be established, the right pistachio rootstock and type should be preferred.

Pistachio Varieties

There are different varieties of pistachios, also known as golden tree or green gold. Before setting up the garden, they should be examined one by one and the appropriate type should be preferred.

• Long

It is one of the most preferred varieties in Turkey. It attracts attention with its unique taste. It matures later than other varieties and is smaller in size. However, it has high efficiency. It ripens in mid-September.

• Red

It is an earlier maturing species and accordingly it is preferred in regions with shorter summers. It is close to Uzun variety in terms of quality. It is harvested from the beginning of September.

• Siirt

It is one of the best quality pistachio types. Apart from its quality, its efficiency is also quite high.

• Tekin

This late maturing species attracts attention with its large grains. It likes areas with long and hot summers. It is usually eaten as nuts.

• Halep

It is a species used in the food industry. It likes warm areas. It ripens in mid-September. Although its quality is quite high, its yield is medium.

• Ohadi

It is one of the late maturing species. It produces products with the quality of Siirt variety. On the other hand, since tree growth is low, its yield is also low.

Pistachio Rootstocks

Pistachio seedlings are obtained by grafting on the rootstock. Different varieties are used as rootstock such as menengiç, gum tree, pistachio seedlings and UCB 1.

UCB 1 was obtained by hybridization studies. It is a newer rootstock compared to the others. However, it is widely preferred in new planting areas due to its properties.

The rootstock to be preferred directly affects disease control and yield. It also affects the first fruiting period of the seedlings. Therefore, the selection of rootstock is of great importance and the selection should be made by professionals.

Pistachio Properties

Today, UCB 1 rootstock is widely preferred for pistachio cultivation. The features of this rootstock are as follows:

• It is a strong rootstock.

• Vitality is very high.

• It is resistant to diseases and cold.

• It has high resistance against Verticillium fungus and soil-borne fungal diseases.

• Resistant to nematodes and salinity.

• It can be grafted 3-4 months after planting.

• It bears fruit approximately 4 years after grafting.

• Its commercial life is over 100 years.

• Its yield is higher than other rootstocks.

• It is a irrigable species.

• Its fruits are larger and fuller.

• Its fruit cracking rate is higher compared to other rootstocks.

Pistachio Yield

Pistachio yield is affected by all processes from planting. For high efficiency, the process must be professionally managed from the very beginning. Rootstocks planted in spring are grafted in June. Saplings give their first fruits after 4 years.

Pistachio seedlings yield an average of 1 kg of fruit when they reach the age of 4 years. This figure increases exponentially every year and when the seedlings reach the age of 9, the amount of fruit taken exceeds 10 kg.

416 saplings are planted in a 10-decare pistachio garden. When this garden is 9 years old, the amount of product harvested is about 4.1 tons. This figure is important as it shows how high the productivity is. The net profit from the products obtained will be approximately $36,000.

It should be noted that the figures here will be possible with professional garden management. If you want to invest in pistachios and benefit from professional garden management services, you can contact us.