Why Pistachio Agricultural Land Investment Should Be Made in Turkey?

Why Pistachio Agricultural Land Investment Should Be Made in Turkey?

Turkey is one of the prominent countries in pistachio cultivation. With its fertile lands and suitable climate, it is very suitable for growing pistachios.

Overview of the Agricultural Sector in Turkey

Turkey is one of the rare countries that are self-sufficient in agriculture. Agricultural production is growing every year thanks to the support given by the state. While the value of agricultural production in Turkey was $23.7 billion in 2002, this figure increased to $43.2 billion in 2018. There has been a growth approaching 80% in about 15 years. Agricultural growth continues to increase every year.

Approximately 6% of the national income in Turkey comes from agricultural production. This rate is expected to increase further in the coming years. Pistachio's share in these figures is quite high. Turkey draws attention as one of the countries with the highest pistachio production in the world.

Overview of Pistachio Cultivation in Turkey

Turkey is the third largest pistachio producer in the world. Its annual production is more than 240,000 tons. Although it ranks third in total production, it ranks second in productivity. While the yield per hectare of Iran, which produces the most pistachios in the world, is 0.6 tons, the yield per hectare here is 3.4 tons.

Considering the total production and productivity, it can be seen more clearly how suitable Turkey is for pistachio production.

Why Invest in Pistachio in Turkey?

Turkey is one of the first countries that come to mind when it comes to pistachios. There are different advantages of investing in pistachios in Turkey. The details of these advantages are as follows:

• Climate and Soil

Turkey is a country known for its fertile lands. In addition, the coexistence of different climates in Turkey significantly increases the variety of fruit grown in the country.

This place has almost perfect climate and soil conditions for pistachios. The fact that it is the second country with the highest productivity in the world clearly shows this. Moreover, if pistachio cultivation is carried out professionally, the productivity rises to much higher levels.

• Proximity to Markets

Pistachio is a fruit with high commercial value. Selling this valuable fruit in the right markets is very important in terms of profit. Turkey is geographically close to major markets such as Europe, Russia and the Middle East. Therefore, it provides a significant advantage in reaching the markets.

• High Profitability

Pistachio investment to be made in Turkey will provide high profit. High yields are obtained from the professional pistachio orchards to be established here. High yield means high profit. High profitability ensures that the ROI period of the investment is also short. A professionally managed garden pays for itself in an average of 8-9 years.

• Investment Diversity

The golden rule of investing is not to put all your eggs in one basket. The more diverse the investments, the lower the risk. Therefore, safe investment instruments are needed to ensure investment diversity. Pistachio cultivation is an important option at this point. It can be preferred because it provides high profitability, is an agricultural investment and has low risk.

• Opportunity to Become a Turkish Citizen

With the pistachio investment to be made in Turkey, it is possible to become a Turkish citizen. Investors who are Turkish citizens can benefit from the Turkish health system, which is shown among the best health systems in the world, free of charge. In addition, investors can travel visa-free to more than 110 countries that have mutual agreements with Turkey.

• Professional Pistachio Orchard Management Services

When you invest in pistachios in Turkey, you can benefit from our professional garden management services. With our professional pistachio orchard management services, you can profit from your investment without actively farming.

When you use our services, we find suitable land for pistachio cultivation, set up a garden from scratch, and take care of the garden for many years. We harvest the obtained products and sell them with the best price guarantee. We transfer the generated income to you. You can contact us to invest in pistachios in Turkey and to benefit from our professional gardening services.