Frequently Asked Questions About Pistachio Land Investment

In which climate does the pistachio tree grow?

Pistachio tree grows in regions with hot and long summers and cold winters. Summer heat causes the fruits to ripen. On the other hand, winter cold satisfies the cooling need of the seedlings. However, it cannot be grown in places with very harsh winters.

In how many years does the pistachio tree produce a product?

The pistachio tree begins to bear fruit at different times depending on the rootstock to be preferred. UCB 1 rootstock, which is widely used today, bears fruit after 4 years.

When is the pistachio tree planted?

Pistachio tree is planted in spring or autumn. Tuberous seedlings can be planted at any time of the year. But it would be better to plant them in the spring.

How many degrees of cold can a pistachio tree withstand?

The cold resistance of pistachio trees depends on the rootstock to be preferred. Rootstocks are resistant to cold temperatures up to -10 degrees on average.

Is the pistachio garden investment profitable?

Pistachio gardening is a very profitable business. A professionally created 10-acre garden generates a yearly profit of $36,000 by the age of 9. It is not even possible to reach such high figures in other agricultural products.

Despite the very high profit rate, a question may come to your mind, why this business is not done. Pistachio orchard investment does not provide a quick return. After the garden is established, it is necessary to wait 4 years to receive the product. It takes 7-9 years for the garden to reach ideal productivity. Since the investors do not want to wait for this period, they do not prefer the pistachio garden investment too much.

Why should I invest in pistachios in Turkey?

Turkey has an excellent climate and fertile soils for pistachio cultivation. It is the second country with the highest yield per hectare of pistachios. Efficiency can be increased even more with modern agricultural practices. Therefore, the yield of the gardens to be established here will be much higher than in other countries.

Another important advantage of Turkey is that the costs are low. Land and garden establishment costs to be preferred for pistachio cultivation are more suitable compared to other countries.

What is the initial cost of the pistachio garden investment?

The initial cost of the investment varies according to the size of the garden to be established and the operations in the garden. The initial investment cost of a 10-acre professional pistachio orchard is around $85,000 on average. It should be noted that this figure may vary according to different factors.

How many pistachios come out of 1 acre?

The amount of product to be taken from the 1 acre garden varies depending on the age of the trees. Pistachio trees bear fruit from the age of 4 years. 1 kg of fruit is taken from a single 4-year-old tree. The trees in the 1-decare garden yield an average of 40 kg when they are 4 years old, and 400 kg when the trees are 9 years old.

Why should I invest in a pistachio garden?

Pistachio is a fruit with a very high commercial value. In addition, the usage areas of this fruit are many and the demand is increasing every year. Considering that its commercial life is 100 years, it can be clearly said that pistachio is one of the most advantageous products for investment.