Pistachio Garden Investment in Turkey

Pistachio Garden Investment in Turkey

Pistachio orchard investment in Turkey is one of the most attractive investment options in recent years. It is highly demanded due to its advantages such as high profitability, short payback period, and long-term passive income. Pistachio investment to be made professionally meets the expectations easily and satisfies the investors.

Pistachio is a product with high commercial value. Considering the high demand at all times, it can easily be said that it makes sense to invest in this product.

Advantages of Pistachio Investment in Turkey

There are different advantages of investing in pistachios in Turkey. The details of these advantages are as follows:

• Climate and Soil

In order to get the desired results from pistachio cultivation, suitable climate and soil must be present. Otherwise, the desired efficiency cannot be achieved and expectations cannot be met. Turkey, with its favorable climate and soil, is an extremely suitable place for pistachios. The fact that it is the third country with the highest production in the world is a clear indicator of this.

• High Efficiency

Turkey is a country that stands out with its fertile lands. The fact that it is one of the rare countries that is self-sufficient in agriculture is proof that it has fertile lands. The situation is similar with pistachios. High yields are obtained from professionally managed gardens.

• Lower Costs

One of the issues to be considered while investing in pistachios is the initial cost of the investment. The abundance of suitable land and its richness in terms of young workforce ensure that the initial cost of the pistachio investment in Turkey is low. In addition, the cost of garden management services is at an affordable level.

• Proximity to Markets

Access to markets is of great importance in order to sell the quality products grown. Turkey is a large market with its own high domestic demand and is close to major markets. Being adjacent to Europe, the former Soviet countries and the Middle East allows it to have access to many markets. The products produced here can be easily transported to markets in different parts of the world.

• High Profit

The fact that productivity is high and costs are low in Turkey ensures that the profitability here is higher than in other countries.

How to Invest in Pistachio Garden in Turkey?

You can benefit from our professional garden management services to invest in pistachios in Turkey. When you use our services, we find suitable land for you, enable you to complete the transactions so that the title deed is completely on you, and we set up a garden from scratch.

We take care of the established garden professionally and sell the harvested products with a high price guarantee. We transfer the profit to you. You can contact us immediately to invest in pistachios in Turkey and to benefit from professional garden management services.