Growing Pistachio and Pistachio Market in Turkey

Growing Pistachio and Pistachio Market in Turkey

Turkey ranks third in the world in pistachio production. Despite the high production, domestic demand is constantly increasing. These factors cause Turkey to be one of the best options for pistachio investment.

Pistachio is a product of high commercial value. Also called green gold or golden tree, this product, when grown correctly, enables producers to make high profits.

Ideal Climate Conditions for Pistachios

Regions with suitable climatic conditions should be preferred for pistachio cultivation. This product likes areas where summers are hot and long. Summer heat allows the fruits to ripen. In addition, the winters must be cold. Since it is a plant that needs cooling, it cannot be grown in regions with warm winters.

Turkey is one of the most important options for pistachio investment with its suitable climate. It should also be noted that the soils here are quite fertile. Turkey ranks third in the world in pistachio production and second in productivity. While the USA produces 4.2 tons per hectare, Turkey produces 3.4 tons per hectare. In Iran, this figure is 0.6 tons per hectare. With modern agricultural practices, this figure in Turkey can be easily increased to over 4 tons.

Quality Pistachio Production

The more fertile the soils to be preferred for the production of agricultural products, the less the use of chemical fertilizers. This ensures the production of higher quality products. Saplings planted in the fertile lands of Anatolia grow without the need for chemical fertilizers. In addition, pesticides and similar substances are not used in this process.

The use of chemical fertilizers and similar substances and the organic production increase the product quality significantly. In addition, the UCB 1 rootstocks used provide larger and fuller fruits due to their waterability. All this means quality fruit. Quality fruit means higher profit.

Proximity to Markets

It is very important to find a market for the products produced. At this point, another advantage of Turkey draws attention. With a population of more than 80 million, domestic demand in Turkey is extremely high. In other words, there is often no need to search for different markets to sell the products produced. Products can be sold in the domestic market.

In addition to the large domestic market, it is also close to different markets. Due to its geographical location, Turkey is located in the middle of Europe, the Middle East and the former Soviet States. Thus, accessibility to the big markets mentioned is quite easy.

Why Turkey for Pistachio Investment?

Turkey is one of the most advantageous options for pistachio investment. The initial investment cost in Turkey is quite affordable. Apart from this, its fertile lands, suitable climate, growing domestic market and proximity to major international markets are important factors.

You can benefit from our professional garden management services to invest in pistachios in Turkey, which is an agricultural country. Within the scope of this service, we carry out the operations of finding suitable land, establishing a garden from scratch, professionally caring for the garden, harvesting and selling the products. We transfer the price of the products sold directly to you with a high price guarantee.