Pistachio Investment Feasibility

In order for the pistachio investment to be successful, first of all, a feasibility study and financial analysis must be made. The feasibility report to be prepared by professionals gives detailed information about the cost, expenses, income and profitability of the investment.

Pistachio Investment Financial Analysis

In order to carry out the feasibility study, the land structure where the garden will be established, the size of the land, the rootstock type to be preferred and the pistachio variety to be grafted should be known. At this stage, firstly, soil samples are taken from different points of the land and their analysis is done. According to the result, the rootstock and sapling type to be used are determined. In addition, the climate in the relevant region must also be taken into account in this process.

• Initial Investment Cost

The initial cost of the pistachio investment will vary according to the size of the land. Therefore, it is not possible to clearly state the initial cost. On the other hand, it can be stated that the initial investment cost of the garden, which will be established on a 10-decare land, is around $85,000 on average.

This cost covers setting up a professional pistachio orchard from scratch. The cost includes the surrounding of the land, the extraction of water by drilling, the installation of the irrigation system, the installation of the solar energy system and the planting of the saplings. In other words, after the initial investment cost, a ready-made garden is received.

• Expenses

There is no immediate return on agricultural investments. Moreover, there are different expenses until the return is received. The costs of maintenance operations such as irrigation, pruning, spraying and fertilization for the pistachio garden to be established will have to be covered. These costs are around $2,000 annually.

There is no charge for the first 3 years of garden maintenance within the scope of our professional garden management services. All these processes are done free of charge until the fruit is started to be taken from the garden.

•Produce amount

How much product will be taken from the garden to be established is very important for the feasibility study. A professionally created pistachio orchard starts yielding from the 4th year. Each tree gives 1 kg of product during this period. When the trees are 9 years old, the amount of product taken exceeds 10 kg.

The average amount of product taken from a 10-decare garden in the 4th year will be 410 kg. When the trees in the garden are 9 years old, this figure will increase up to 4.1 tons. In other words, the amount of product obtained increases approximately 10 times.

• Total Revenue

Pistachio is a product with high commercial value. The quality products produced provide a high level of income. Again, assuming a 10-acre garden, the income will be around $3,900 in 4th year and $38,000 in 9th year.